Saturday, 22 September 2018

New Text 2018–19

Reading Gadamer, Truth and Method   

Semester 1 information: 
Wednesdays 5–6.30, fortnightly (except for the first two meetings)
First meeting: 26 Sept  2018 

Thereafter: 3 October (only one week), 17 October, 31 Oct, 14 Nov, 28 Nov, 12 December.

Venue: Seminar room 1 on the ground floor of the SALC Graduate School (Ellen Wilkinson Building part C, campus map 77). 
Text for the first two meetings:  English trans.: Gadamer's Introduction (pp. xx to xxiv in the English) and first sub-section (pp. 1–37). 
Open to University staff, current University graduate or research students, General public
Everybody welcome, but please let Alex Samely know you are coming:

Gadamer’s Truth and Method (1960) is one of the key critiques of historical, literary and art-related scholarship of the 20th century. We will read the book in instalments over the academic year, meeting mostly fortnightly on Wednesdays at 5pm. We will discuss its philosophical, aesthetic, phenomenological and historical implications, and compare it to some extent with the positions of other thinkers, including Heidegger and Benjamin. The Semester 1 dates are: 26 Sept, 3 October, 17 October, 31 Oct, 14 Nov, 28 Nov, 12 December. We meet in Seminar room 1 on the ground floor of the SALC Graduate School (Ellen Wilkinson Building part C). Segment for the first two meetings: Introduction and first sub-section (pp. 1–37) in the English translation (second edn., by Weinsheimer and Marshall; London: Continuum, 2004). No knowledge of German necessary, although some group members will use the German original.


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